Confirmation- wedding- birthday

Receptions up to 200 people.

3-retters menu eller buffet

The chef is happy to help with suggestions for the menu. You can also put together a menu based on your own wishes. We make both buffet and plate dishes as well as tapas. Book a meeting at or call 60797468.

Vælg buffet eller 3 retter anrettet på tallerken. Vi kan assistere under hele arrangementet og sørge for opfyldning og afrydning af buffeten eller anrette maden på tallerkener.

We also make buffets alone. Get a non-binding offer based on your wishes.

Buffet contains 3 kinds of meat, 2 kinds of potatoes, 3 exciting salads with toppings, bread and dressings. Everything is homemade from the best ingredients. We shop locally and grow our own vegetables and herbs in our own garden. Priser fra 300 kr. pr. person.

Delicate tapas for receptions up to 200 people.

Skønne små tapasretter til stående receptioner. De kan spises med fingrene og en serviet eller en lille tallerken og en gaffel.

We have over 20 different ones to choose from.

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